Monday, July 26, 2010

Lemon Final Layout!!!

Guys help me vote,yellow or green background?
I get opinion about previous intro page layout is like very class lemon put with a mamak logo...

SO...I definitely agree with it so...

I put my lemon in class way,and...
I know Gray intro go into Yellow or Green Home page feel a bit weird...
But if I keep put it in Gray Background,it will look so down...

So guys please give me opinion and comment,I'll totally very appreciate!!!

Thank you ^^

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Layout for Lemon

Actually the Intro Page is do by Flash and when it rough over the text only will come out. well May everyone give me some comment. is't there is some place not match? Color? Design? Logo? I'll appreciate your comment!

Healthy Fruit Juices Layout

This is my layout design for Healthy Fruit Juice.This page is recipes page, i will show the ingredients,directions,and information of each fruit juice.This page design is want to teach people how to make fruit juice,so i want to make it easy and clear make people understand.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lemon web layout Part 2

Well, i decide to redo. so...
All my friend and classmate please give some comment.
the way that i place the button isn't look weird?
Still thinking how to improve it.

LoveLemon,The benefit of lemon.
Teach and let people to have the knowledge about lemon.
Lead people to more healthy life. ^^

And Home page will coming soon...
May give me comment,Thank you!

Simple Meals Preparation for career women Layout Design

This is my layout design for Simple Meals Preparation for career women. The first one is my Homepage. The second page is Cut & Clean. My aim is to have a simple and clean layout for this.

Posted by : yankeen

Enzyme life

This courseware is designed for those people who interested in home make enzyme. It covers the informaation and conceot in making enzyme. Besides that, it also introduces users about enzyme for health, fruits enzyme and the functions of different types of fruits. The most important thing is, people can judge whether the enzyme is in good condition or bad condition when in the process of making enzyme.

This are the simple layout that i done

The first one is my " intro" page for my website
The second one is my " fruits " page for my website

Posted content by : su guan

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Little Chef's props design

Part of some props. so now you can imagine how's the interactivity going on. ^^

Friday, July 9, 2010

Lemon Benefit Web Layout Design

Second part design for Intro Page, and first design for Home page.

Intro page size is 1024x768
Home page size is 1024x768++

By Koh Sue Yan

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vegan Bento Layout Design

My aim is to make the layout design clean and readable. A video clip will be include in each recipe, so that peoples can easily learn and understand by viewing the video.

Western Culinary

This is a stylish Western culinary interactive web page layout. The style and element that I used to design is related to Western food arrangement and presentation. Other than that, all the material s I used is raw. For example, cows, chickens, fruits, vegetables, fish etc. The main reason I choose raw food to make my layout is because it has the features that represents guy. (Raw food is rough and huge like man). However, it is a must to include some details such as organic and curvy line to make the whole environment looks more interesting.

The concept
The main concept for this interactive design is needed to impress more guys who know to cook but lack of knowledge in Western Culinary. So, the whole environment needs to have the feel of man-look and strong ability to attract them.

The interactive
All the animals in this layout will move a little bit to make the layout alive! For example, the cow eyes will clips once in few minutes, chicken head will nodded few times once, fish will pop up when the mouse roll over. The Apple will change their colour and appearance when mouse click on it. Each of every single interactive item in this content will stands their own characteristic to impress more people and earn extra credits for the overall presentation.

There are 4 main categories which are basic cookery, menu, tutorials and cooking tips that probably will bring them into the world of Western Culinary.

Basic cookery
This link will let users learn about basic cooking method and skills.
The sub links for this linkage are
-Choosing correct raw material
-Basic cutting skill
-Interesting food presentation

This link is probably teaches user what actually contain inside the features of western culinary. For example, starter, main course, dessert, appetizer. Maybe inside will include some interactive content such as drag and drop items into the correct categories. If they make it correctly, they will proceed to the next higher level and more information they will get.

There are several video clips to let them view and learn how to cook in advanced. They need to answer correct question after the tutorial in order to proceed to next level. This will improve their cooking skill after the tutorial.

Cooking tips
There are some tips and advices will be given to those who actually have the confident to challenge harder skills. In these categories, they will be given a challenging tutorial which practical needed (need to cook it out). They need to really study and practice the skill in advanced and cook through web cam which connected to the chef. After that, the chef will submit finalize and evaluate the result online and the will it and give them most secretary tips and consultation in Western cookery.


Proper dinning tool

Do you know the proper way to hold chopstick? Here i will be giving some basic knowledge of identify different kinds of dinning utensils from Chinese to Japanese as well as Western dinning foods style, to the proper way to handle dinning tool during eating. The first image is my main page which separate into three categories "Chinese, Western and Japanese" style. The second image will be the content.

Note for member of Food and Beverages

Guys, please put your post in Label to let people find it easily.
Even I also don't know which one is which one,and is without name. (-.-lll)

and who know or have the list of all the contributors of this blog please add inside the contributors list.

Thank you!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Delicious and healthy fruit juices

This courseware is design to teach people how to make healthy and delicious juice. Now people are often busy work then affects health, so I will teach you how to make a cup of delicious and healthy juices with quick and simple way. Each fruit has its unique health value, so if we learn how to choose the fruit, it will have different health effects. Health is very important ,so we must know how to protect our healthy body.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Little Chef's character design

Its all about teaching children how to COOK. The ideas and design will be present by interactive and animated ways ( somehow kinda regret now due to the workload ==' )
so here's the so call 'flash chef' cause its drawn in Flash - will be the main characters that 'talks' and teach on screen. ^^

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Benefit of Lemon

The simple layout i do... still need to touch up.
Photo is original Photo.
By Koh Sue Yan

The Benefit of Lemon

This courseware is design for people to have the knowledge about lemon, through this learning people will know the benefit of lemon and they will even know how to use lemon in the correct way.In this real-life every people will always face different kind of stress, this courseware will let you know lemon have the different kind of benefit to reduce your life stress.

By Koh Sue Yan

Simple Meal Preparation for Career Women

By learning this, people able to gain more knowledge of meals preparation, saving time and cultivate health lifestyle. The courseware is designed for career women. It covers basic methods and concept of handling raw ingredients. Besides that, it introduces how to handle the raw ingredients, how to clean and how to cook. The most important thing is peoples can learn how to distinguish between fresh and stale of raw ingredients through the courseware.

Posted content by Cheng Yan Keen