Saturday, August 14, 2010

Content in detail???

There would be several types of tutorial which will teach you how to set up a simple Chinese and Japanese traditional dinning tools as well as a very formal Western dinning tools set for a formal dinner. The tutorial also included the proper way to hold a chopstick and identify, and the usage of different kinds of dinning tools.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Little Chef's so call layout design?

A full flash (even for graphic) education interactive cooking application.

Safety & kitchen rules : Kids actually dislike rules because they're curious about everything and CREATIVE. But there are still some importance rules and safety that they need to take care. There are only four of them after the filtering.

Interactivity : users point or roll over to any picture and it explanations come out at the bottom in short and simple form.

Kitchen properties & facilities : Introduce some items and settings in the kitchen.

Interactivity : users point on items and the name pop up.

Module 1 - sandwich : the 1st dishes to learn witch is simple as putting everything into 1 piece. As the screen shows the angel of top view to user feel that they are having things in front them.

Interactivity : users are picking up knifes cutting of bread skins and spreading butter on bread surface manually. Then comes to picking ham, cheese and bread, place it on the bread all by themselves.

Module 2 - eggs : a daily and common dishes were kids started to cook raw materials. The stove is an electronic cooking stove which did not 'burn' hands. ( but careful for the 'shock' ^^)

Interactivity : user start from pouring oil into the frying pan. The interesting part is cracking egg that need to measure the impact of it hitting on hard items with suitable speed on moving the mouse. Before it was cooked, the egg may be over cook if users leave it too long on the pan frying itself like reality situation.

[ Content are totally original and copyright protected. ^^ ]

Monday, August 9, 2010

enzyme pages

1/2) fruits page is mainly telling others what type of fruits got what benefits to our health. inside my page i put in 10 fuits.
3) sugar always play important character in doing enzyme process, different type of sugar got different type of sugar level and fermantation. In here i only list down 6 sugar for reference.

4) this is my process page, all the process is follow with a recipe, ingredients that need to prepare and a youtube link to let user link to the video for reference.

5) forum page is somewhere to let all the user to discuss about enzyme. maybe some extra topic can be add on in future.
posted by : su guan

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Storyboard Layout

Storyboard 8 Pages Uploaded!!!
Well most of the function is similar,
doesn't change much.
Hope is easy to be understand by audiences.
Thank you very much